They then moved into development of the site, which included basic design schemes, site features, topics, and games.
Three prototypes of the game were developed on and off by a team of two people before the game moved into full development.
Baldwin's initial involvement with solar energy was during that very experimental, ad-lib phase when much was moving from principles or theory into actual development.
Stung by the loss of Diageo and unable to move three large downtown lots into development for several years, Stamford is still holding its own.
That was the question on the minds of the partners in Beyer Blinder Belle when they began considering moving into development.
In response, the company tightened quality control and moved into research and development.
"If the government is paying a market rental and there are no real estate taxes, that means you can move more money into development."
Stockland moves into commercial development, initially with retail projects in various suburbs of Sydney.
LiNK has been described as undergoing a "transformation under Song's leadership," with various projects "moving into full development."
He then moved into the leasing, purchase, development and resale of lands.