Starting about 9 A.M., the protesters, some carrying signs, began moving intermittently in groups of 15 to 30 past police barracades and toward the Court.
The Ecolitan took a deep breath and began to walk back in from the end of the pier toward the southernmost highwayempty except for a few vehicles moving there intermittently.
Many of the scattered groups moved slowly and intermittently, as though possibly burdened by injured comrades among the survivors.
The line moved intermittently through McCain's hands and around his body.
By an ingenious arrangement of the mechanism, the film moves intermittently so that it may have a much longer period of rest than of motion.
Some of them moved intermittently, and there were many lights, pulsating glows of various colors, and occasional brilliant flashes.
Meanwhile, the monster was moving only intermittently, and he had a little time available.
It moves forward intermittently before pausing to put out its "fishing lines", ready to ensnare passing creatures.
They were sitting in slumped positions, the one on the more distant chair looking almost comatose, his bearded jaw moving intermittently as he tried to sing.
Something moved slowly and intermittently toward him.