The trader could well decide to move on to another Camp in hopes of getting a full load.
Some big films have been moved to 2002, in hopes that times will be better or, as we say wistfully every day, "back to normal."
Ruby has moved inside the tent, and away from Lange, in hopes her photo can not be taken.
He moved to Franklinton, in hopes it would become the state capital.
In 1841 the company moved to New York in hopes for a better market.
Her father, a musician, moved the family to Bakersfield, California during the 1940s in hopes of a better life.
I kept walking, moving quickly in hopes of finding some other open business, or better yet, an available cab.
By 1989, the band decided to move to Toronto in hopes of landing a recording contract.
This is also the year that he decided to move out of Michigan in hopes to focus more on his career and music.
He moved to California with his father in 1878 in hopes of finding gold.