These have demonstrated that the radii of gyration of several semicrystalline polymers remain essentially unchanged on moving from the melt phase to the semicrystalline phase (table 11.2).
Even though we have now moved from the acute phase of the Great Recession, which occurred in the fall of 2008, the long, dragging conditions of semi-slump and sub-normal prosperity have arrived - and they aren't going away any time soon, as Keynes warned.
At the same time, individual investors gradually moved from the start-up phase to an expanded role on the "back end," where shares of emerging growth companies are sold in initial public offerings.
As in "The Lovely Bones," even authority figures wax vague when it comes to the big picture, including the matter of where people go when they move on from the initial phase of their afterlife.
The meeting with Mr. Arafat, he said, was "a joint attempt to move to a diplomatic phase from the phase of joint struggle to implement the Sharm el Sheik understandings" on a truce that was reached at a summit meeting in Egypt in October.
We have a lot of good CBs at the moment jones, smalling, jagielka, Cahill but now were moving on from the Terry-Ferdinand phase we need a strong partnership in defence.
We believe it is now time to move on from the present phase of association and stabilisation agreements to a more integrated strategy, with a view to strengthening our relationship with the countries of the region.
In fact, the long-term outlook should be evaluated in order to move progressively from the current phase of emergency assistance to a phase of assistance for economic development - that is, a transition from hate to trade.
In that consolidation, he said, "We've moved from the first phase, where medium-sized companies were buying the smaller companies, into the second phase, where we have NATO alliances with the Evergreens and Chancellors getting together."