The move contributed to the demise of the UK motorcycle market.
When those moves contributed to further losses, Congress passed bailout legislation in 1989, which eventually cost the taxpayers about $90 billion.
This move probably contributed to preventing a major financial crisis in Lebanon from worsening.
The Fed's move helped sustain upward pressure on overnight interest rates and "contributed to the effort to break the fall in the dollar."
The move away from a single, central character, even if only briefly seen, may have contributed to the series' loss of audience.
Some officials have said such a move could contribute to a downgrading of the county's bonds.
The move contributed to a large drop in the key funds rate that banks charge each other for temporary loans.
The moves also contributed to Los Angeles's reputation as a city dominated by the car.
Those moves, another partner said, contributed to growth in the firm's costs, even as the firm raised rates.
That strategic move contributed to a +40% uplift in 2012).