The motivational move backfired on the Rams, who lost for the fifth time in six games, and it was the 49ers with the last word.
In 1971, the move backfired as no automakers stepped up to provide a pace car.
The move backfired by bringing national attention to the protest.
But he warned that it could take a long time and that any American military move would backfire.
Will the recent moves backfire as they did seven seasons ago?
He warned against any government attempt to divide the loyalty of soldiers, saying that such a move could backfire.
The move would probably have backfired if the booksellers felt the book did not live up to the attention the publisher was giving it.
Yet his move quickly backfired; the attorney general launched an investigation, and a host of women soon came forward.
Fortunately, the move backfired and the company has been forced to retrench.