In 1921, it moved to 24 East 39th Street in Manhattan, which it then renovated in 1988.
The company moved in 1906 to a brownstone at 11 East 14th Street near Union Square, where it remained until 1913.
The same year, Eneslow moved to 220 East 23rd Street.
The Yeshiva later moved to 452 and 425 East 9th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218, where it is located today.
On April 1, she is to move to a third-floor showroom at 135 East 65th Street, where she will be open Monday through Friday.
The Bingers later moved to 180 East 75th Street, and the family sold the house only last July.
The center later moved to a two story building at 316 East 63rd Street, New York, right off of 2nd Avenue.
The school moved to its current location at 45 East 75th Street in 1951.
The school appears to have moved from 49 and 51 East 61st Street to Madison Avenue after 1918, when its founder died.
Last May the gallery, Leo Kaplan Ltd., moved to 114 East 57th Street.