Saw the emperor's mouth distort in a last, defiant soundless cry of protest.
His breathing was fast and heavy, his mouth distorted.
His mouth distorted in a ghost of a smile, and he touched my wrist.
Now it was ugly, the mouth distorted.
His mouth, which only an instant before was so warped with perverted expectation, now distorted with the agony of pure anguish.
Bertrand's looks were disordered, his cheeks hollow, his eyes encircled with black rings, his mouth horribly distorted; his arm and forefinger extended towards his accomplice, he seemed to behold a frightful vision rising before him.
His eyes were wild, his mouth distorted.
The woman with the pink nail polish - her mouth had become twisted, bloodied and distorted in death.
The emaciated face pressed hard against the glass, the left cheek flattened and the mouth distorted by the pressure.
I knew that I looked like a rabid child molester as I raced after her; my eyes were still glowering and my mouth distorted from the effort.