The mouse gives them a very dry lecture on William the Conqueror.
Although mice given the hormone eat less, they do not lose as much weight as would be expected.
But mice given resveratrol, a minor component of red wine and other foods, run twice as far.
And then, the mice would take over the show and give superb performances.
But in the new study, the researchers let the knockout mice give themselves cocaine.
Given the chance, the mice also give themselves large amounts of alcohol, which suggests that they are biologically vulnerable to many drug addictions.
The young mouse gave him a hug.
This odd little recommendation was important to someone, and it began to have a gamier smell than mouse or mole could give.
The technique works in animals; mice and sheep have given birth after having frozen ovaries reimplanted.
The strange mouse gave a low whistle, and twenty other mice entered the galleydeck.