And the mice don't exhibit symptoms common to human cancer patients, like weight loss.
Mice carrying only one functional copy of igf1r are normal, but exhibit a 15% decrease in body mass.
Mice have been administered nicotine and exhibit withdrawal reactions when its administration is stopped.
Yet, mice that did produce this hormone, along with exercise, exhibited an increase in newborn cells and their rate of survival.
Mice with genetically reduced Ryr2 exhibit a lower basal heart rate and fatal arrythmias.
However, a study has shown that mice with no dopamine transporters still exhibit the rewarding effects of cocaine administration.
Mice infected with any of these viruses exhibited symptoms of poliomyelitis.
However, after repeated trials, the impaired mice exhibited similar fear memory formation as the control mice.
The mouse exhibits bi-parental care in captivity, which suggests a monogamous mating system.
Without the gene, the mice exhibited masculine sexual behavior and attraction toward urine of other female mice.