Their search for new evidence leads the reader north to ancestral burial sites, remote mountain sanctuaries, sacred springs, medieval monasteries and rare museum artefacts.
Russian artillery and aircraft also attacked targets in the Argun Gorge, hoping to prevent the rebels from escaping to mountain sanctuaries.
The Tiwas waged guerilla warfare from their mountain sanctuaries throughout the second winter.
A rare old printing press high in Sichuan province and mountain sanctuaries with brilliantly colored murals are storehouses for Tibetan culture.
But she must remain with you in your mountain sanctuary until the last remnants of power-hunger are cleansed from her soul.
Located in the mountains of Chisi Island, there are a few fortified mountain sanctuaries, providing refuge and a place to go.
Schmidt's view, shared by most experts, is that Göbekli Tepe is a stone-age mountain sanctuary.
Moreover, in the early 20th century on the Potschberg, the building remnants of a Roman mountain sanctuary were found.
Apparently, most of the reaver crew had entered the mountain sanctuary on some urgent errand.
When St Anton's newest mountain sanctuary opened in early December, the question in every potential guest's mind was, would you be able to hear the music?