But even as MacAran's party turned their back on the enormous mountain mass, his mind rejected that unclimbable.
Sheer weight of mountain mass may even be melting the base rocks on which the Himalayas stand.
In the center, the gray rocks leaped still higher, into an enormous cone-shaped mountain mass rising at least fifteen thousand feet above the forest.
Three distinct mountain masses can be identified in the state.
The direction of folding in these mountain masses is generally North to South.
The hill occupied by D Company was in reality the western tip of a large mountain mass that lay southeast of the town.
Whether my father already conceived the 'Hill of Guard' to be joined to the mountain mass by a shoulder cannot be said.
Yet it might take two days to go round by sea rather than cross a ten-thousand-foot sheer-rising mountain mass.
Across the valley he could see the lights of Armida, a soft twinkle against the mountain mass.
Eventually granite intrusions are emplaced at high levels within the mountain mass and volcanic activity develops.