Another of Kusatsu's attractions are the mountain flowers growing in and around the city.
The heavy fragrant syrup warmed his mouth, and reminded him of the little mountain flowers for which it was named.
The drive there was actually worth it very much with the river, the mountain flowers in bloom and the marmots.
It contains mostly grass and small plants along with mountain flowers.
By July, mountain flowers bloom in colorful profusion far above the treeline.
To Ashenden's astonishment he showed a peculiar knowledge of the mountain flowers.
Would you like to enjoy a mountain flower tonight?
Everybody will find one trail or another through an aspen forest or a meadow of mountain flowers.
I have seen how kindness and compassion may grow in the unlikeliest of places, as the mountain flower forces its way through the stern rock.
Unique mountain flowers called kurinji blooms in these hill ranges once every 12 years.