Mounting concern in Washington that a collapse of the Soviet economy could weaken the fledgling democracies of Eastern Europe has also contributed to the Administration's change in attitude, the officials said.
Mounting concern over the disarray in economic policy was reflected in an accelerated "dollarization" of the economy as residents switched domestic assets into foreign-currency deposits to protect their investments.
MOUNTING concern over the survival of some of the region's largest military installations has sparked a vigorous lobbying effort in New Jersey and on Capitol Hill.
As we report, there is mounting concern about the abuse of children, largely in African communities in the UK, on the pretext that they have been possessed by evil spirits.
But now, with the occasional French poodle disappearing, there is mounting concern.
It came against the backdrop of what appears to be mounting Soviet concern over the Communists' inability to form a workable government in the face of a challenge from Solidarity.
There was mounting concern here among United Nations officials and diplomats that the fleeing Krajina Serb soldiers would now become part of the Bosnian Serb army.
Mounting concern over the inquiry, in part, prompted the resignation Tuesday of the Deputy Attorney General, the head of the department's criminal division and four of their top aides.
There is "mounting concern" that the military has fallen below the "minimum utility" needed to conduct present and future operations, says the defence select committee.
Pakistan's military has carried out three coups in the past and there has been mounting concern that another is on the cards.