There was no refrigerator, and a curdled bottle of milk stood by the sink next to some mouldy white bread and three cans of McEwan's lager.
The men, whose bodies were badly decomposed, were found with some mouldy bread and tins of food, and were dressed in jeans and jumpers.
People had always said he lived on mouldy bread, on purpose to check his appetite.
It was fairly crowded, but I found a place for at the side and bought a beaker of No-tox Fungi-beer which tastes like mouldy bread but leave your head clear.
"And see if she's got any mouldy bread ..." The basic unit of wizardry is the Order or the College or, of course, the University.
Then the stink of mouldy bread, hands gripping his arms and feet, swift swinging and his body was being heaved up on to something, then a thump.
"I wouldn't give a pawful of mouldy bread for the lot of you, standing gawping while your Captain gets slain by an otter."
It was at Methone, however, that 500 men died of dysentery caused by mouldy bread.
In a photograph by the London-based artist Kate Belton, tiny figures seem to be stuck in a landscape of mouldy bread.
I would eat mouldy bread and drink water because that would fill me up".