"The machine ethic did not allow imperfection," notes the designer John Saladino, remarking on the preponderance of fake water stains and mottled textures.
Their leather bindings, mostly in deep colors with at least some gold or silver leaf on the spines, added a rich, mottled texture to the place.
Heading back to our room, my husband noticed that the cork's organic mottled texture was repeated in the light blue glass panes that encased the lobby's staircase and continued on some of the concrete walls.
Then again, it could be the indeterminate tinted grays and their mottled textures that make the horizontals and verticals in "Standing No. 1" look like the weathered planks of a fence.
In a five-part composite of Angkor Wat, the mottled texture of giant stone heads and the jagged space of a desolate temple combine to suggest the eerie beauty of the place.
The bleak, wintry cold passed, and the sky took on a more complex, mottled texture.
The spinous dorsal fin is whitish, with a mottled olive green and brown texture.
It was a single sheet of thick creamy paper as wide as the table, with the slightly mottled texture of leather.
This great Italian painting of the 1580s anticipated Caravaggio in portraying down-to-earth city life - a man eating a simple meal - but with a more mottled, whimsical texture than a Caravaggio.
It is a mottled texture, more intense than a simple flat finish, but less intense than orange peel, or popcorn, texture.