Naked tree branches appear pressed against a mottled gray sky, interrupted by an occasional grist mill or puff of chimney smoke.
Fires licking at a mottled sky.
Outside the window, the bare trees that surrounded Larkmoor thrashed uneasily in the wind, their black branches clawing like witch fingers at the mottled sky.
The sea lay before us, green and restless under a mottled grey sky.
There was a mild breeze and with what seemed to be a late-morning sun shining brightly down from a mottled sky.
A thick plume of smoke rose into the mottled sky, the intense heat of the conflagration causing the classic mushroom shape to form above the city.
They appeared uneasy, looking alternately at Tarzan and their High Priest, and then casting furtive glances at the sun, riding high in a cloud- mottled sky.
The wind twisted them, a lifeless flock, across the mottled sky.
Moments later, the sun just rising in the mottled sky, he was exhorting a largely Cuban-American crowd in Tampa to get out the vote.
The seas erupted and boiled, shooting monstrous plumes of steam into the mottled skies.