When using Copics, he takes care to erase his pencils, and to not work dark-to-light, because of the mottled effects that result from doing so.
The bark flakes off to show a somewhat mottled effect.
The skin was pale grey with a mottled and veined effect all over that made the body resemble a sculpture in unpolished marble.
When mature, the lacebark pine assumes the mottled effect of green-white-yellow-brown patches that are ever so handsome.
It is a combination of a solid base color with lighter blue/grey patch which gives a mottled effect.
It takes only four or five layers of lacquer, mixed with a silver powder that produces a mottled effect, to produce the Japanese-style products.
The skin of a dead Telfi is pale gray with a mottled and veined effect that resembles unpolished marble.
His face had taken on a mottled effect: part angry crimson, part chalky white.
Beads of water stood on his oilskins, giving them a mottled effect.
Old photographs show bold red and beige stripes, but the bold colors of the stone have faded over time, leaving a more mottled effect.