In fact as the war continued, the German military made increasing use of horses rather than motorized transportation.
The simple design gave everyone an opportunity to experience motorized transportation.
Naucalpan is strongly dependent on cars and other motorized transportation.
Fairly well trodden hiking trails lead north and west from the town, but for any motorized transportation terrain vehicles are needed.
In 1994, Francis decided he could be a more effective environmentalist if he began to again use motorized transportation.
However, there was only one tank battalion and a lack of motorized transportation.
Aside from the overall unfortunate phrasing, "don't worry" is dangerous advice in regard to motorized transportation.
There are no cars in the settlement, the only motorized transportation is by tractors or 4-wheel-drive buggies.
But it's too bad if you go to motorized transportation when you still have the capacity to walk.
In addition, most people use motorized transportation instead of walking or biking.