Some motorists stop and some do not in that city of about 30,000 people.
Captain Gallagher said that the state police have no profile for deciding which motorists to stop and question.
He tried to restart the engine, and a passing motorist stopped to help.
Under current law, a motorist can be issued a seat belt summons only if stopped for another reason.
When the ramp light is red, the motorist must stop.
When they got to the edge of the road, a motorist stopped to pick them up and took them to a hospital emergency room.
A passing motorist stopped and hailed some soldiers up the road.
I went to the highway and, almost immediately, a motorist stopped.
The new report found that although minority drivers made up less than half the motorists stopped, they represented 77 percent of those searched.
But in those days, motorists could at least stop and ask for directions.