The police diverted motorists seeking to enter the mall from Route 4 to entrances on Route 17, she said.
Service centers have been jammed with motorists seeking to regain licenses that have been suspended.
AS gas-station attendants have evolved into change dispensers behind bulletproof glass, the landscape is dotted with lost motorists seeking directions.
The construction has inconvenienced everyone it has touched, from drivers passing through to village residents whose streets are clogged by motorists seeking alternate routes.
They are stolen by thieves who sell them for scrap (at about 30 cents a pound), souvenir hunters looking for urban art for their homes, and motorists seeking free parking.
Nearly 100,000 calls a day are made by motorists seeking help, he said, whether to get assistance because the car has broken down or to report a drunken driver to the police.
Snags Throughout Manhattan With motorists seeking escape routes, other snags in traffic emerged throughout much of Manhattan, according to the city's Department of Transportation.
And officials in towns just to the north, like Somerville, Medford, Malden, Everett, Chelsea and Revere, are expecting their streets to be inundated with motorists seeking a way home.
Amtrak passengers would be using the same streets as motorists seeking access to a bridge linking the island to the mainland.