Much of the theft was apparently done in daylight because passing motorists reported seeing the thieves at work.
A motorist in the city reported that "It's flooded everywhere.
The next day, Bardo was arrested in Tucson, after motorists reported a man running through traffic on Interstate 10.
Nine motorists, one of whom was slightly injured, reported that their automobiles were hit by rocks as they drove on Manhattan highways yesterday, the police said.
On 28 February 2007 motorists in South East England reported that their cars were breaking down.
They said some motorist had already reported it and they had a radio car on the way.
Palestinian motorists have reported that their cars have been stoned by settlers.
Several motorists reported to police a "militia" armed with machine guns surrounding a tanker truck.
On Friday, one incident was reported; last Monday, nine motorists reported that their vehicles had been struck.
"A passing motorist reported some smoke and fire at a roadside rest area," Mr. Thurman said.