I am interested in a motorcycle tour of Greece and Israel.
Dozens of companies offer organised motorcycle tours around India with a support vehicle, mechanic and a guide.
A. There is at least one organized motorcycle tour, operated by Euro explorer, that includes part of the July bike race.
He is on a motorcycle tour of New Zealand with his brother, Joe, and is not expected to return home until late this month.
It also offers motorcycle tours around Nepal, and rents bikes from Rs 600 per day.
Weather is a major issue on a motorcycle gastronomic tour: more than once I arrived at my destination soaked and shivering to meet my dining partners.
Also of note, he was part of the first American motorcycle tour of Vietnam since the war.
He is a long-distance motorcyclist that has taken several cross-European motorcycle tours.
Next trip: a motorcycle tour of Greece ("I'm on the back").
Under the slogan "Think Independent," he embarked on a motorcycle tour of the state, which ended with a rally at the state capitol in Tallahassee.