The measure is cutely called "motor voter" because it would register people to vote when they receive or renew their driver's licenses.
"I would've thought the Republican Party would suffer because of motor voter, but that has not been the case."
Last summer, he said the law was misnamed as "motor voter" and should be called "welfare voter."
The legislation is called "motor voter" for short, and by approving it today the Senate can enlarge democracy.
Opponents of "motor voter" also say the bill would increase fraud.
Republican opponents of "motor voter" seem to fear that adding more voters to the rolls would mainly benefit the Democrats.
And it fought for the 1993 "motor voter" law.
The law, known as "motor voter", is credited with helping to register seven million new voters.
She said before the "motor voter" law people were required to at least provide documentation of residency.
Supporters of the "motor voter" measure estimate that 10 million new voters could be registered.