Members were (mainly but not exclusively) highly motivated volunteers rather than conscripts.
FESF has been working with Pakistani youth for over 12 years and has built a strong network of capable and motivated young volunteers.
You posted your plan, they (the motivated volunteers) would mark it up and Joi would look at the best ones.
This position will provide a motivated volunteer the opportunity to spread his/her appreciation of the natural world to many park visitors!
Nonprofit groups with motivated volunteers can do a good job providing social services once people are in a building, but they're not the solution to the housing shortage.
As for Mr. Gore, who has endorsed a plan for Federal financing of certain types of sectarian social programs, he, too, seems convinced that battalions of spiritually motivated volunteers are thick on the ground.
But, the benefits are that there is a pool of skilled, qualified, experienced and motivated volunteers who want to help.
This program integrates motivated volunteers, noteworthy NGOs and enthusiastic learners.
Due to a flow of young, but highly motivated volunteers, Kuperjanov's unit became an independent battalion known for its high morale and daring tactics.
The most capable and motivated volunteers were at al-Farouq, and Saudi citizens were good candidates, since it would be easy for them to obtain visas to travel to the United States.