You can think of tai chi - slow, meditative motion using light.
Motion cards, which have been around for decades, give the illusion of motion using multiple images and a special printing process.
For stunt purposes, parallel parking can be completed in a single motion using the handbrake.
It spent two years developing a system that captures motion using a camera that can measure the warmth of a human body.
Stop motion using objects is sometimes referred to as object animation.
As each new episode begins, the camera is already in motion using complicated movements.
Any continuous periodic function can be represented as a complex harmonic motion using its fourier series.
Unable to walk, she could crawl with a "hopping-like" motion using her undeveloped arms and legs.
All members present hold hands and follow a leader in a counter-clockwise motion using a grapevine step.
Let the rollers stay in for about 15 minutes, then comb out gently with an upward motion using a wide-toothed comb.