In 1810 the assembly of Upper Canada passed a motion condemning Jackson's pamphlet, but no further action was taken.
Not long ago, I spoke in a debate in the European Parliament on a motion condemning Turkey for failing to promote women in politics.
The next year he tabled a motion condemning British European Airways for removing the Union Flag from their advertising.
The National Union of Students of the United Kingdom passed a motion condemning Galloway for this statement.
We have a council meeting on December 15 and I shall be talking to the rest of the Labour group about proposing a motion condemning his antics.
After hearing speeches by Salvadoran and Chilean students, delegates passed motions condemning human rights violations and anti-student policies in those countries.
Clifford also allowed the proposal and passage of a motion condemning Wynyard's attempt prorogation.
In 1935 he convinced the general assembly to pass a motion condemning capitalism.
The board, which wields advisory power, agreed and passed a motion condemning the idea.
UNDO's representatives in the Polish parliament led the Ukrainian delegation in sponsoring a motion condemning these acts.