Below ground, in motion, accompanied by the roar of the trains, graffiti paintings covering whole cars could have exciting, hallucinatory and sometimes frightening effects.
He shifted with a lazy, slow motion, accompanied by a creak.
At the end of the day we went inside to watch more videos, this time watching something called Sybervision, which presents continuous images of skiers, mostly in slow motion, accompanied by soothing music.
Upon playback, this creates a motion series in slow motion, accompanied by music.
A hip hop montage is a subset of fast cutting used in film to portray a complex action through a rapid series of simple actions in fast motion, accompanied by sound effects.
In many of the show's trademark accelerated-motion scenes, Hill would often pat Wright's bald head rapidly, the motion being accompanied by dubbed-in smacking sounds.
The Harper struggled against the enclosing tomb of ice and heaved upright, the motion accompanied by the grinding sound of cracking snow.
Last week, in a 50-page motion accompanied by reams of supporting documents, Mr. Barr attempted once again to have the judge remove himself from the case, citing the two sides' contentious history.
He groaned and raised his head, a motion accompanied by a crescendo of aches, rolled his neck and tried to move.