The titles themselves are generic, that is they evoke motifs associated with them rather than any specific references.
Olmec motifs associated with the were-jaguar include a cleft on the head or headdress, a headband, and cross-bars.
The mask has since become one of the popular motifs associated with the Carnival of Venice.
This early spring festival has several motifs associated with it, elongated diamonds and clam shells among them.
The peony became a masculine motif, associated with a devil-may-care attitude and disregard for consequence.
A motif thematically associated with a person, place, or idea is called a leitmotif.
Nowadays, the elaborate dolls are saved and put on display, and restaurants present their food with motifs associated with the festival.
Richard Wagner popularized the concept of a leitmotif: a motif or melody associated with a certain idea, person or place.
Headless figures are one of the best known motifs associated with Ms. Abakanowicz's distinguished career.
His model is clearly Teutonic: the orchestra assumes a role of Wagnerian importance, developing the motifs associated with characters and events.