A ranch on Venus was no place to raise a motherless girl.
If nothing else, the understanding of this motherless girl who was raised by her military father in a man's world needs some study.
His eyes lighted with the tenderness never seen there by any other than this motherless girl.
It seems she caught the lice from a motherless girl who sat with her at school.
Thinking of this, Israel realised for the first time how awful was the affliction of his motherless girl.
At this time, motherless girls were thought of as orphans, despite other family.
Who tells ye to speak so to the woman who raised a motherless girl?
The motherless little girl tries to accommodate to the high society life and get the approval of the nobility.
Of more moment to Lucullus by far was the fact that he no longer had access to unlimited supplies of motherless little girls.
She and her two daughters, who were just like her, made life very hard for the motherless girl.