The mother and the family's nanny also wandered into the room after the daughter called out: "Oh, mommy, come look."
His mother wandered into the room, carrying a set of blueprints for the birdhouse she was building.
How many hours he and his mother wandered, he had no idea.
One day, her mother had wandered away from the apartment with the family dog by her side.
He tilted his head to indicate where their mother was wandering around the room, looking at gadgets.
My mother wandered in from the porch and asked what I was doing.
The mothers wandered back and forth between the final two and finally met near Mike's position.
A mother and father wander around looking for each other; then their box children get lost, as well.
Lara and her mother wandered about aimlessly, alone in the empty house.
Your mother and I just wandered about, found out about this film, saw a friend we knew, and came back here.