Darla held out a white chef's coat so old it had moth holes in some places.
It has a moth hole in the back, and the brittle brim of the cap is broken.
The star is on stage, despite moth holes in her sweater.
The boy hitched up his robe, which was too long for him and made of plain blue cloth, though without moth holes.
There will be no moth holes, no mildew, and no need for replacements.
The seven veils in his dance have moth holes through which the pale creature within is seen cowering.
It is so old I've got moth holes in it.
Then a stained waistcoat (largely for warmth) and an outer jacket of brown wool with several moth holes in it.
There's a moth hole will take a bit of time.
It was in fine shape, just a few moth holes in the silk lining; Kempka obviously had taken great care of his collection.