The rooms, done in beige and brown, were dimly lighted, with all the charm of a motel restaurant.
Another couple and their grade-school-a daughter were hurrying along the covered walkway, apparently heading toward the motel restaurant.
The Harts and about 10 aides ate dinner in the motel restaurant and conversed about the day's events.
Certainly not in a motel restaurant, anyway.
The meeting, in the presence of this reporter and the investigator, Mr. Kelly, took place on Saturday, Sept. 19, in the motel restaurant.
Will trudged into the motel restaurant behind Tom and Kitty.
This includes a comfortable motel, restaurant and small museum about Hopi cultural life.
The Earth Goodness workers to whom he had given his $5,000 came into the motel restaurant with two shoe boxes.
I've made a reservation for lunch at one of the motel restaurants.
Stick to motel restaurants, Dairy Queens and the like or ask residents for their suggestions.