Little is publicly known about Mr. Yemeni, who is not listed by that name on any of the government's publicly available lists of most-wanted terrorist suspects.
"Everybody wants to capture a most-wanted suspect," he said.
The police organization of 176 countries, with headquarters in Lyons, France, reviews its members' most-wanted suspects, then distributes its own list of the most notorious 12.
In any case, the US military did not include Sabri in the "deck of cards" featuring the most-wanted Iraqi suspects.
Moreover, Chief Barreto said, posters for most-wanted suspects are "given in stacks in roll calls."
Others indicted on genocide counts include the two most-wanted suspects, the former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his wartime military commander, Ratko Mladic.
One of the country's most-wanted drug-trafficking suspects, Juan David Ochoa, surrendered today.
Mr. Pfahls, who has been one of Germany's most-wanted suspects, is accused of receiving $2.5 million in bribes in an arms deal with Saudi Arabia in 1991.
Mr. Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, the former commander of the Bosnian Serb Army, are The Hague's most-wanted suspects for war crimes.
The capture of the country's most-wanted terrorist suspect has led to greater concern about the type of weapons reported to be in the hands of Sikh extremists, officials say.