Jambo also takes a game or two to get the hang of, but has been one of the most well-received two-player card games in recent years.
One of the most well-received programs is the giveaways-in which all Premier subscribers are automatically entered.
So far, it is her most well-received album by the American Pop mainstream.
Her exhibition at the Frist (in 2007) remains one of our most well-received locally.
The "inspired decision" led to Victor and Nikki becoming the series' most well-received supercouple.
Pornosonic wrote and performed some of the most well-received music for the adult film world over the next 20 years.
The most well-received Puppet Master installments are generally those released before the series' four-year hiatus.
Created by Tecmo, Fatal Frame is one of the most well-received survival horror games to date.
It was the band's most well-received album in seven years.
Witchcult Today was the band's most well-received album since 2000's Dopethrone.