"It would be very difficult for even the most well-meaning leader to deal with such a university openly and tolerantly."
Here was one area that could not be shared by men, even the most well-meaning and feminist ones.
Truly, it is I who am mad, and you prove to me that passion blinds the most well-meaning.
There's a lot of misinformation out there, and even the most well-meaning advisor may not know he's leading you astray.
And some of the most well-meaning people lose their innocence by association.
Saddled with full teaching loads or outside jobs, even the most well-meaning coaches can only do so much.
It may well have been the most well-meaning awards show in history.
There wasn't the obsession with dressing children up and parading them that exists today, even in the most well-meaning households.
Recipes, which began as such useful things, have become tyrants, leaving even the most well-meaning cook unsure of his own instincts.
He criticized "the precious way that Indians are portrayed in even the most well-meaning books and movies."