So why is he the most watchable person on television?
'Her character, scheming Annie Palmer, has proved one of the most watchable in recent years.'
The prison inmates Thriller performance made it to the pages of Time-on the international magazine's list of the most watchable Internet videos for 2007.
What keeps the show most watchable is the fact that it is character-based.
Ganesh Puja, Durga puja, Kali puja and Sarawati puja are the most watchable and enjoyable festivals here.
The movie, which opens nationwide today, is most watchable during the majestic brutality of the battle sequences.
The most watchable of all, though, is Abe Goldfarb as Tiger Brown, the police commissioner, who gets caught between his friendship with Macheath and the demands that the scoundrel be brought to justice.
The volunteers could increase the contrast to the point at which the image was most watchable to them.
After a subdued season last year, I can't wait for the fireworks to begin and for MotoGP to become perhaps the most watchable racing series in the world again.
Lemurs, lorises, monkeys, apes... they are among the most watchable members of the animal kingdom.