It was the cruelest exhibition - the most wanton, the most unfeeling.
The people indulge their most wanton desires in an orgy of sinfulness.
It was the most wanton carnage that Algeria had witnessed in eight years of savage warfare.
His opinion of her was low enough, and now she had thrown herself at him, practically begged him to bed her, indulged in the most wanton behavior.
According to rumor, there are ninety beautiful girls kept there, mostly young virgins kidnapped from their families to service the king's most wanton fancy.
The most wanton of his foreign exploits could thus be said to have been conceived, misguidedly, as an act of self-defence.
A noted desperado killed Mr. B., a good citizen, in the most wanton and cold-blooded way.
Nowadays, what they measure is the economic folly that produced one of history's most wanton squanderings of treasure.
It seemed an image to provoke violence-to beckon to the most wanton cruelty in a male heart.
Finally, in the most wanton way, they murdered a taxi-driver who happened to have £8 in his pocket.