Through an enormous effort of will, I became known as the most vivacious girl in the senior class.
Under and beyond it, is the most vivacious street market in all of Naples.
The crowd was sparse, and Austin's same old traveling party - her mom, dad, coach and brother - were the most vivacious cheerleaders.
We don't look alike, and I can't say Lynndie England has the most vivacious personality.
What is it about contemporary politics that turns our most vivacious playwrights into zombies?
'You're the most vivacious girl I ever met, bar none.'
Marnie was at her most vivacious, chatting with Charlie and Winston, laughing, eyes glowing.
Welles constantly sought the most vivacious method of presentation .
Sitting pretty as the Caribbean's largest and most vivacious city, its romantic atmosphere and infectious energy are the stuff of legend.