Arnold is at his most vituperative in decrying the fate that befalls Alan.
It had been one of her most vituperative outbursts.
Next, the two countries stumbled into their most vituperative economic dispute in decades.
But behind the official pronouncements rages one of the longest, most vituperative battles in medicine.
The dispute produced one of the most vituperative strikes in the company's history last year.
Without question, the issue that draws the most vituperative comments from military personnel and civilians alike is whether or not women should be allowed in combat.
Some of Jahn's opponents, including the most vituperative, said they felt more sorrow than anger.
He also brought to a conclusion one of the most vituperative struggles the state capital has seen in recent years.
She openly condemns him for his actions in the most vituperative terms.
He has been most vituperative toward heroes turned villains.