It was five hours of the most urbane festivities ever.
"You have such a charming garden," said Lucas at his most urbane.
What's more, with Bernstein as the most urbane of companions, it is endlessly entertaining.
"Come and sit by the fire," invited the professor at his most urbane.
He is only 45, one of the most urbane of naïve artists.
"I do feel," went on Sir Richard, at his most urbane, 'that you should take a day or two's rest, Sister.
A case in point: not knowing when or what to tip, a quandary bound to trip up even the most urbane traveler.
"I am so sorry to have disturbed you," said the doctor, at his most urbane.
This was one of the most urbane and cultured times in all of Chinese history.
The state's most urbane city had acknowledged a need for very small living spaces to accommodate people on limited incomes.