Lyrically, it is one of the band's most uplifting songs.
As with the whole breakfast spread, this is the most uplifting and downright festive way to start the day.
One of the most uplifting albums of all time.
Like last year, we go out with the most uplifting sentiment you could imagine.
Many marathon runners find it most uplifting simply to hear their names.
He concludes saying that the album "ain't the most uplifting thing to listen to, but it's real."
"The most uplifting Norwegian band I've heard in a long time"
It was completely ludicrous and possibly the most uplifting end to a Hollywood comedy in years.
"How is the most uplifting preacher in the city?"
It was as if Joan had told him something almost too wonderful for belief, and yet of a most uplifting and welcome nature.