"That means garlic, which I love," said Denise, in a most unladylike way.
Then a most unladylike snort came through her nose, and all three of them let go fully!
Sweat beaded her face and soaked her body in the most unladylike way.
Speaking to strangers in that free manner is a most unladylike thing.
Raphaela started to laugh, saw he was serious, and uttered a most unladylike chortle.
She blinked at the letter, jaw dropping in a most unladylike expression of amazement.
She snorted, a most unladylike sound that drew an unwilling smile from him.
Cassandra ground her teeth, letting out a low and most unladylike growl of frustration.
He heard a gasp, followed by a most unladylike oath.
And aye, she was, sitting in a most unladylike position on the floor, her back propped against the bed.