He's a most unfriendly cat in the normal way.
The man who opened the door had the most unfriendly face Minnie had ever seen.
"I enjoy going and playing in the most unfriendly environment possible," Courier said.
A tall, dark man was standing over him, wearing a most unfriendly expression.
The weather showed its most unfriendly side: sky dark, water as grey as lead.
My neighbor has rebuffed me in the most unfriendly terms.
It is also the most expensive and, according to one poll, the most unfriendly city in the world.
The conversation between them at Northanger had been of the most unfriendly kind.
He stepped out of the trees, eyes fixed on Henderson in a most unfriendly manner.
Even to my adult eye that main line still appears to run through the dullest and most unfriendly strip in the island.