It was inspired by the most uncompromising hostility towards the king of Prussia.
This last solution is the most uncompromising, and it is the one Christianity chose.
Prynne has consistently "made it new" in the most uncompromising way.
Among wines of the world that age well, port is the most uncompromising.
Sabat had learned the art of relaxing, inducing sleep in the most uncompromising situations.
It helps to weaken Israeli voices and eyes who are the most uncompromising about their government.
As a protest candidate, he can attract public attention only through his most uncompromising and outrageous rhetoric.
More profoundly, he commands respect because his position is the most uncompromising.
They are also famously sure-footed and intelligent, finding their way home through fog over the most uncompromising terrain.
To Rutilius, he is the most uncompromising foe of paganism.