"That is undoubtedly the most unabashed flight of fancy it has been my mischance to listen to in a good many years."
That's the most disgusting unabashed lying and distortions about a politician's religion that I have ever heard on a Guardian thread.
With Clinton gone, Lieberman is perhaps the most unabashed spokesman for this new, middle-class-oriented tax and fiscal policy.
"Sticky Fingers," a more ambitious, better-intended dizzy-dame film than most, is one of the most unabashed recent examples of this credo.
Peter Gason of Spin described the song as Death Cab for Cutie's "most unabashed stab at pop crossover yet."
The doctor maintains that pessimists are not the people who start wars ("Hitler was the most unabashed doe-eyed optimist of the last hundred years").
Though Mr. Crystal's politics clearly shade more toward blue than red, "700 Sundays" is the most unabashed paean to family values outside of a Hallmark shop.
What was not in doubt was that there would be a grand bash today for one of the most unabashed politicians in the country.
Earl Johnson, a district leader who has known her since 1974, said she is among the most unabashed promoters for the neighborhood's upkeep.
It was the most unabashed speech Rhodan and Bell had ever been required to listen to.