But most do it for the most time-honored of reasons: who can say no to a child who needs you?
Hiring celebrities to endorse brands is one of the most time-honored tactics in consumer marketing.
By putting manifest contradictions on an equal footing with the most time-honored and widely held assumptions, we are tantalized, confused.
When they do rise, they engage in the most time-honored of summer traditions.
Even the most time-honored tradition - the holiday food drive - doesn't always inspire all-out participation.
But isn't that the way the audience feels at even the most time-honored house, as it takes in couture's excess with solemnity?
Declamation is the most time-honored of the school's traditions.
As is the case with any worthwhile goal, some people employ the most time-honored solution for getting what they don't quite deserve: they cheat.
So I fell back on one of parenthood's most time-honored strategies, the look-it-up defense.
The naming of state things is one of the most time-honored activities of state legislatures.