The days seem to come and go with only the most tentative forays outside: shopping, visiting the doctor, getting children off to school.
Even your most tentative wisdom is greater than any other, except the Egg's.
Yet he had to admit satisfaction at even the most tentative confirmation that Klingons were involved.
Kings Park's plans seem the most tentative, which some experts welcome.
At even the most tentative invitation he was ready to pour out everything he felt.
This most tentative love story is not helped by the lack of sparks between the two people who play the lovers.
The reader is therefore warned to accept his story only on the most tentative basis, subject to confirmation or denial by further detailed research.
That testing involves only the most tentative physical contact.
Of these, the western route is most tentative, with construction scheduled to start in 2010.
Data thus far are insufficient for more than the most tentative and fragmentary suggestions of possible meaning.