Nonetheless, a list of the films nominated for Oscars over the past 60 years would make the most stoic of people weep.
But Finbar, once the most stoic and courageous of princes, was finally growing old.
I could see Orson-the most stoic of dogs-wince sharply, even yelp, when touched in a certain spot.
But even the most stoic man could only take so much.
Even the most stoic among us won't resist tapping their toes.
Sooner or later even the most stoic survivors turned to sugar for solace.
Dailies would sometimes be four hours long - only the most stoic sat through them.
"I hope you won't think it's out of line for me to say so, but you're one of the most stoic Klingons I've ever met."
Highlanders were among the most stoic and courageous of warriors, and seamen as a class weren't far behind.
MY father is one of the most stoic men I have ever met.