The Captain's tale may be well-finished, but yours was left at a most sorrowful pass.
She placed the basket down and immediately fell upon him, her demeanour most sorrowful and sympathetic.
He turned frightfully pale, and the impression upon him was most sorrowful.
I have a most sorrowful duty to perform, your Grace,' he told me. '
He never prayed for victory on his final Election Day, the most sorrowful day in a career that had known few such moments of defeat.
He neared the litter, and his smile vanished, replaced by the most sorrowful solemnity.
"I think this is the most sorrowful cut I've seen," said Curtis Martin, the Patriots' star running back.
A few hours later, Larissa got up the courage to at- tend to her most sorrowful task.
My good people of Anderith, I have just received the most sorrowful news.
For indeed I come on the most sorrowful of missions.